St Peter’s News and Events

Benefice Webmaster

Ten Year Anniversary Since Devastating Fire

It’s been 10 years this month since a fire destroyed St Peter’s church in Ropley. A decade later, the congregation is settled in a beautiful new building and is finding many opportunities for engaging with their community and building God’s Kingdom. We went along to hear the stories of the many people affected…

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Benefice Webmaster

Flower Festival – May 2023

The Coronation Flower Festival for St Peter’s was held from the 5th to 8th May 2023 and was a remarkable success. More information to follow. Two photo galleries of the festival have been uploaded and are available.

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Benefice Webmaster

2023 Update of St Peter’s Electoral Roll

Between 16th and 29th April 2023, the Electoral Roll is being updated. If you attend church regularly and want to be included on the Roll, please download the application form and either:
send it to Alison Wood at Applewood House, The Dene, Ropley SO24 0BG or
scan and e-mail it to Alison at or
leave it in an envelope (addressed to Alison) on the table just inside the church.
The last day for submitting your application is 29th April (4.30 pm).

Note: If you are already on the Roll, you DO NOT need to reapply this time.

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Benefice Webmaster

Welcome to Our New Website

Monday 15th August 2022 Welcome to the refreshed and rebuilt Benefice Website. With the re-opening of St Peter’s Church imminent, it was felt time for

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